Call and text internationally

Learn how to call and send texts to international numbers from inside the U.S. Plus, find out how to connect when traveling abroad.


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What to know

Find international country codes and providers
  • Locate the country you want to call or text on the International Long Distance list. (For the best experience, view this page from a computer or tablet.)
  • The country code for calling a Mexico-based mobile number is now 52, not 521. This means you press +52, then the area code and local number. For example, +52.55.3333.6789.

Make calls and send texts
  • To a country outside of the U.S.: Press + or 011 on your phone’s keypad, then the country code and local number.
  • To the U.S. from another country: Press +1, then the area code and local number. For example, +1.212.555.3456.

Get calls and text messages
  • From the U.S., the caller can call or text your wireless number as usual.
  • From outside the U.S., the caller enters their country’s access number, and then enters 1 and your wireless number. 

Wi-Fi calling option

Traveling outside of the U.S.? No worries. You can use Wi-Fi Calling to stay connected. To use it, you must have:
  • A Wi-Fi® internet connection
  • A compatible AT&T wireless phone or AT&T PREPAID phone with Wi-Fi turned on and an eligible plan
  • An AT&T wireless or AT&T PREPAIDSM account set up for HD Voice

Billing info
When using Wi-Fi Calling, we bill you based on the number you call—no matter whether you’re using Wi-Fi® at home or while traveling abroad. This means that:
  • You can call U.S. numbers with no additional charge. Plus, it won't count as voice airtime usage.
  • We bill calls to a number outside of the U.S. as an international long distance call – even if you bought an international plan. If you’re traveling abroad, this includes calls to the country you’re in.
  • When you call 411 and other premium numbers, we bill you at standard premium rates.

Heads up: Starting November 1, 2021, AT&T 411 Directory Assistance won't be available on your wireless device.

To avoid unexpected international long distance charges when outside of the U.S., use Wi-Fi Calling only for calls to the U.S. Be sure to turn off Wi-Fi Calling for all other calls if you have an international talk, text, and data plan.

International customer service info

  • From inside the U.S.: Call 800.335.4685 (or 611 from your AT&T wireless phone).
  • From outside the U.S.: Call anytime. It's a free call from your AT&T wireless phone.
Last updated: May 20, 2023

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