Stay connected with Wi-Fi Calling

Talk and text using Wi-Fi in the U.S. and most international destinations.

What to know about Wi-Fi Calling

Why use Wi-Fi Calling
With Wi-Fi Calling, you can talk and text in more places.

  • Your phone use Wi-Fi® for calls and texts when cellular coverage isn’t available. This means that in a natural disaster or other emergency, your phone will work if it’s connected to a Wi-Fi network.
  • Calls to U.S. numbers can be made at no extra charge whether you’re calling from the U.S. or traveling abroad.
  • Text messages you send or receive with Wi-Fi Calling count the same as regular text messages. You’ll be charged according to your current rate plan.

What you need to use Wi-Fi Calling
You can call, text, and use Visual Voicemail with Wi-Fi Calling.1 Just make sure you have:

  • A Wi-Fi internet connection
  • A compatible AT&T Wireless phone or AT&T Prepaid phone with Wi-Fi turned on and an eligible plan
  • An AT&T WirelessSM or AT&T Prepaid® account set up for HD Voice

More info about Wi-Fi Calling
Want to know if you’re using Wi-Fi Calling? Look next to the Wi-Fi icon on your phone’s status bar. Apple devices will show AT&T Wi-Fi. Android devices will have a plus sign (+). On Android phones, you’ll also see a Wi-Fi icon on the Start call and End call buttons, and on the active call status indicator.

  • Apple® devices will show AT&T Wi-Fi.
  • Android® devices will have a plus sign (+). On Android phones, you’ll also see a Wi-Fi icon on the Start call and End call buttons, and on the Active Call status icon.
  • Wi-Fi Calling doesn’t support calls to 211, 311, 511, and 811.
  • You can’t use Wi-Fi Calling in China, Cuba, North Korea, India, Iran, Israel, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, or Vietnam.
  • If your phone has a setting to keep Wi-Fi on while in sleep mode, we recommend you turn it on so you don’t miss calls.
  • You can sync your Apple devices, so they can all use Wi-Fi Calling. Learn about Number Sync

Billing info

When using Wi-Fi Calling, you’ll be billed based on the number you call and where you’re calling from.

Calling from the U.S.

  • You can call U.S. numbers with no additional charge. Plus, it won’t count against your talk limits.
  • When you call 411 and other special service numbers, you’ll be billed at standard premium rates. Starting November 1, 2021, Directory Assistance won’t be available on your wireless device.
  • When you call an international number you’ll be billed at international long distance (ILD) rates.

Calling from outside the U.S.

  • Wi-Fi calls from other countries to U.S. numbers are at no additional charge.
  • Have AT&T Prepaid? Wi-Fi calls to international numbers are billed at international long distance rates.
  • Have A&T Wireless? Wi-Fi calls to international numbers are be billed based on the international roaming add-on you select:
    • AT&T International Day Pass (IDP): Wi-Fi calls from an IDP destination to any IDP destination (210+) are included in the daily fee.
    • AT&T Passport: Wi-Fi calls are billed at the low Passport per-minute rate.
    • AT&T Cruise: Wi-Fi calls are included in your cruise package calling allowance.
    • Pay-per-use: If you don’t have an international roaming add-on, calls are billed at a per-minute rate based on the country you’re in.

911 calls

Placing 911 calls

When you call 911, it goes over the cellular network whenever possible.
  • If you have to use Wi-Fi Calling to call 911, we'll route your call based on location data from your device and the Wi-Fi network.
  • If you lose your Wi-Fi connection during a 911 call, your call will disconnect.

Finding you when you call 911

If we aren’t sure of your location, we use Enhanced 911 (E911). We send your E911 info to 911 dispatchers. Keep in mind, E911 may not be as reliable as the regular 911 service.

Be sure to update the E911 address of your Wi-Fi Calling location, so we can find you quickly. You can change your location info on the same screen where you turned on Wi-Fi Calling.

See all important details
Last updated: May 16, 2024

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