Suspend service due to Federal Government deployment

Federal government workers and their families deployed on official business to international locations can suspend their wireless services.

Learn how federal government workers can suspend service

Requirements to suspend service

Only paid federal government employees and their families who are deployed on official business to international locations qualify for this service. Volunteer workers, such as Peace Corps and missionary work, aren't eligible.
  • Suspend service during time out of the country.
  • Suspend service for up to 999 days.
  • Receive a discounted cost of $0.01 per month for each mobile number on your monthly wireless plan.
  • Pay your monthly installment agreement fees, if applicable, as normal.

Suspension prevents calling, texting, Web browsing, and accessing any other feature on the AT&T network other than calling 911 or AT&T at 611.

How to suspend service

To suspend your service at the discounted rate, you'll need to provide your Federal Government orders transferring you to locations outside of the U.S.
  • Contact us to request suspension.
  • Have your Federal Government orders ready when you call. We'll provide you with instructions on how send them to AT&T.


Note: Active U.S. military personnel can cancel wireless service during military deployment.
Last updated: December 7, 2022

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