This tutorial shows how to set and adjust microcell settings.
Open a web browser on your computer, and navigate to, then click Manage Settings.
Click on your account type.
Enter your account information, then click Log in.
Click the desired wireless number that is linked to your MicroCell, then click Continue.
The device serial number will be displayed in the Device Serial Number field.
Your device status will be displayed in the Device Status Field.
The Device Nickname is the name that will be displayed in your network router settings.
The primary user email will receive all notifications and updates regarding your MicroCell device.
Automatic Hand-Out, if enabled, transfers your call to an AT&T Cell Tower if there is poor connection to the MicroCell.
Scroll to view the MicroCell device location information. Click Add a New MicroCell Device Location to add a new location and change the default location of the MicroCell.
Scroll to view the MicroCell device approved user list. Click Add a New AT&T Number to this Approved User List to add an AT&T number to the approved numbers to connect to the MicroCell.