What is an IMEI number and how is it used?

Learn more about what an IMEI number is, what it’s used for, and how to identify your phone's IMEI number.

What is an IMEI number?

The IMEI number is an essential feature of every mobile device—it's a unique identifier that plays a critical role in various aspects of your phone's functionality and security. 

So, what does IMEI stand for? IMEI is the acronym for International Mobile Equipment Identity. As its name suggests, it's an identifier that distinguishes each mobile device across the globe. It consists of 15- to 17-digit numbers and is unique to each device. And, just like fingerprints that are unique for each person and used to identify that person, the IMEI is used to identify valid devices and can be used to stop a stolen phone from accessing a network.

What types of phones have IMEI numbers? 

All types of mobile phones, including smartphones, have an IMEI number. However, this number isn't limited to mobile phones; other mobile devices like tablets and smartwatches also have an IMEI number. You can easily check the IMEI number in iPhone or any other device using a few simple steps, as explained in this article.

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