How much speed do you need?
Is everyone at your house on the Internet at the same time? You may need faster download speeds to avoid or shorten wait time.
The Download Speed Calculator estimates how much speed you'll need to run every activity on all devices at the same time.
It's easy! Set the Download Speed Calculator to the number of devices that might be doing each activity at the same time.
Then watch the meter climb to show an estimate of the minimum speed you'll need.
For more information, see how download speeds work.
Outlook, Gmail, Exchange
An average of your emails, with and without attachments. Composed of 75% basic email and 25% standard email attachment.
An average of your emails, with and without attachments. Composed of 75% basic email and 25% standard email attachment.
Music Streaming(0.5Mbps)
Pandora, Spotify, Rhapsody, Google Music
Streamed songs play right after a small amount of audio data is received, and the song files aren't stored permanently on the device. Downloaded music files are stored on the device and can be played without streaming.
Streamed songs play right after a small amount of audio data is received, and the song files aren't stored permanently on the device. Downloaded music files are stored on the device and can be played without streaming.
Web browsing(1Mbps)
Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari
A web browser is a software application used to send and receive information through the World Wide Web.
A web browser is a software application used to send and receive information through the World Wide Web.
Web conferencing(4Mbps)
Skype, WebEx, Connect, GoTo Meeting, JoinMe, Microsoft Lync
Web conferencing is real-time communication between two or more devices, all connected to the Internet.
Web conferencing is real-time communication between two or more devices, all connected to the Internet.
Standard video streaming(1.5Mbps)
Netflix, Hulu, YouTube, Amazon, iTunes
Streamed media is content delivered live over the Internet without any wait to download. Standard streaming picture quality is lower than High Definition (HD) quality and needs less bandwidth.
Streamed media is content delivered live over the Internet without any wait to download. Standard streaming picture quality is lower than High Definition (HD) quality and needs less bandwidth.
HD video streaming(4Mbps)
Netflix, Hulu, YouTube, Amazon, iTunes
Streamed media is delivered live over the Internet without any wait to download. High definition (HD) picture quality is higher than standard streaming and requires more bandwidth.
Streamed media is delivered live over the Internet without any wait to download. High definition (HD) picture quality is higher than standard streaming and requires more bandwidth.
Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, PC, phone using Wi-Fi
An online game is played among two or more players over the Internet, using computers, consoles, or other devices.
An online game is played among two or more players over the Internet, using computers, consoles, or other devices.
Here's an estimate of what you need

1 5GB data plan is required to enable Mobile Hotspot or tethering.
2 $35 with new 2-year contract. $30 with month-to-month contract.
3 Prepaid data options available for Computers, Tablets, and Gaming Devices
4 $10/mo. unlimited data plan for standard phones requires Messaging Unlimited feature.
5 Data overage charges are automatically applied.
6 Requires monthly voice plan.