Make sure your device works internationally

Check to be sure you can use your device abroad.

Things to do before you leave the country

Make sure your device works in the countries you’ll visit
  • Most AT&T devices work on foreign frequencies of 1800MHz and 900MHz.
  • In Japan or South Korea, you’ll need a device that can use the 2100MHz frequency.
  • All AT&T LTE devices support band 4. These devices work in Canada and certain other countries.
  • If your device isn’t compatible:

Get the right coverage for your device(s) 

Need help while abroad?

  • Chat with us when available. Keep in mind, chat isn’t available for AT&T PREPAIDSM.
  • Call +1.314.925.6925 (free from your AT&T wireless phone).
Last updated: May 5, 2023

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