Learn about AT&T Prepaid voicemail

Voicemail helps you stay connected when you're unavailable. Learn how to set up your voicemail or reset your voicemail password.

Set up voicemail

Voicemail is included with most AT&T Prepaid® phone plans at no additional charge1. You can get Visual Voicemail with compatible smartphones. For all other phones, we offer Basic Voicemail.

Learn how to set up: 

Get a new voicemail password

To get a new AT&T Prepaid voicemail password, first you have to reset it. Then, you can create a new one.

Reset AT&T Prepaid voicemail password

  1. Call 800.901.9878 (611 from your AT&T Prepaid phone).
  2. Confirm or enter your 10-digit wireless number, if prompted.
  3. Say More options when prompted.
  4. Say Account changes, then Reset PIN
  5. Follow the prompts to reset your voicemail password.

FYI: After resetting your password, you won’t receive new voicemail messages until you create a new password.

Create a new AT&T Prepaid voicemail password

To create a new voicemail password, make sure you’re in an AT&T Prepaid coverage area and use the AT&T Prepaid phone that had the password reset. If you were given a temporary password, don’t use it while creating a new password.

  1. Access your voicemail by selecting and holding 1 from the call screen.
  2. Follow the prompts to create a new 7-to-15-digit voicemail password.
  3. When the password is created, press the # key and hang up.
  4. Turn your wireless device off and back on.
  5. Attempt to access your voicemail again.

If you're unable to access Visual Voicemail, try calling your voicemail box by selecting and holding 1 from the call screen.


Last updated: May 23, 2023

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