Review delivery options for online wireless orders

Choose how you want to get a wireless order you place online. You can have your new device shipped to you or see if it’s available to pick up at your local AT&T store.

Have your order shipped

You can choose to have your items shipped. Delivery can take up to five business days.

FYI: Some orders require a signature upon delivery. To find out if yours will, select the tracking link in your shipping confirmation email.

Pick up in store

Here’s how to order:

  1. Shop smartphones and choose a new device or accessory.
  2. Select Check in-store availability to make sure you can pick it up.
  3. Confirm or enter the ZIP Code for the store where you’d like to pick up the order.
  4. Choose your preferred location.
  5. Follow the prompts to check out and submit your order.
  6. Wait until you get an email from us before you head to the store. We’ll let you know when your order’s ready to pick up.

FYI: We’ll authorize your debit, credit, or gift card when you place your order online. The total due will be calculated and charged at the store. If your order isn’t picked up in three days, we’ll cancel it.


Last updated: October 29, 2024

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