Set up voicemail on your mobile phone

Find out how to set up and use visual, basic, or enhanced voicemail on your wireless phone. Voicemail must be set up within 60 days of activation.

Visual Voicemail gives you access to your messages in an email-like inbox. You can review, play, and delete your messages all on one screen.

Here’s what you need to set up and use Visual Voicemail:

  • A smartphone on an AT&T Wireless or AT&T Prepaid voice and data plan that includes Visual Voicemail
  • A connection to the AT&T wireless network
  • The AT&T Visual Voicemail app if you have a compatible Android smartphone that doesn't have built-in Visual Voicemail

Note: You have to set up Visual Voicemail on your own phone. You can't set up voicemail from another phone.

Visual Voicemail setup


  1. Tap Phone, then Voicemail.
  2. Select Set Up.
  3. Follow the prompts to set up your password and greeting.


  1. Open the Visual Voicemail app.
  2. Follow the prompts to set up your password and greeting.

Smartphone with the AT&T Visual Voicemail app

  1. Open the AT&T Visual Voicemail app.
  2. Follow the prompts to set up your password and greeting.

Google or other Android smartphones

Get step-by-step help setting up or using Visual Voicemail

Visual Voicemail storage info

With Visual Voicemail, you can store up to 40 messages for a period of 30 days. Voicemail messages can be up to 4 minutes long.

Here’s what you need to set up basic voicemail on your wireless phone:

  • A phone on an AT&T Wireless or AT&T Prepaid voice plan or AT&T Wireless Home Phone
  • A connection to the AT&T wireless network

Basic voicemail setup

Here’s how to get started. From your wireless phone:

  1. Press and hold 1 on the dial pad.
  2. Select your language preference.
  3. Create a 7- to 15-digit password.
  4. Follow the prompts to complete set up.

FYI: If you hang up before the tutorial completes, it will play again the next time you check voicemail.

Basic voicemail storage info

With basic voicemail, you can store up to 20 messages for a period of 14 days. Messages can be up to 2 minutes long.

Here’s what you need to set up enhanced voicemail on your wireless phone:

  • Enhanced Voicemail add-on for $1.99 per month
  • A phone on an AT&T Wireless or AT&T Prepaid voice plan or AT&T Wireless Home Phone
  • Connection to the AT&T wireless network

Enhanced voicemail setup

Here’s how to get started. From your wireless phone:

  1. Press and hold 1 on the dial pad.
  2. Select your language preference.
  3. Create a 7- to 15-digit password.
  4. Follow the prompts to complete set up.

FYI: If you hang up before the tutorial completes, it will play again the next time you check voicemail.

Enhanced voicemail storage info

With enhanced voicemail, you can store up to 40 messages for a period of 30 days. Messages can be up to 4 minutes long.


Learn how to set up your voicemail

View interactive voicemail tutorials for more help.Go
Last updated: March 19, 2025

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