Check upgrade eligibility and options

Ready to upgrade to a new device? You may not have to wait any longer. Learn your options.


Get your upgrade

That new device can be yours in minutes:

  1. Go to Upgrade your device. Sign in, if asked.
  2. Select the line you want to upgrade.
  3. Choose your new phone.
  4. Follow the prompts to check out.

Heads up: The amount due will include the remaining balance on your old device.

Good to know:

  • Paid off or own your device and want to trade it in? Explore our Trade-in program to see if you're eligible for an AT&T Promotion Card to use toward your next device.
  • Don’t have an AT&T Unlimited Your Way plan but you’ve chosen a 5G phone? You can switch to an unlimited plan with 5G access.1 Check our unlimited plans
  • If you have Wireless Account Lock turned on, you won’t be able to upgrade any devices on your account. To upgrade, you’ll need to turn off the account lock first. Learn how to turn off Wireless Account Lock.

Wireless plan, transfer upgrade eligibility, and fee info

Wireless plans

If you have a plan we don't offer anymore, you can keep it—even if you upgrade your device. Keep in mind, you may not be eligible for upgrade promotions on older plans.

Want to change your plan or data amount? You have to choose from our current wireless plans. Keep in mind, you won't be able to go back to your old plan. Plus, if you choose a 5G phone, you can pair it with a wireless plan that includes 5G network access.1 

Transfer upgrade eligibility to another line on your account

You may be able to share upgrade eligibility with another device on your account. Learn how to transfer device upgrade eligibility.

Upgrade fee

If you add a new device to your wireless service, we'll add a one-time upgrade fee to your next bill.

AT&T 5G service: Requires a compatible 5G plan and device. 5G service is not available everywhere. See for details.

Last updated: July 9, 2024

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