Learn about changes to your AT&T Mobile Hotspot plan

Monthly charges for Mobile Hotspot devices on select retired wireless plans will increase beginning August 2023.

What to know

We’re increasing the monthly charge for Mobile Hotspot devices on our retired Unlimited Choice, Choice II, and Plus wireless plans. This increase will allow us to continue to deliver the great wireless service you expect. You’ll see the price increase starting on your August bill.
  • Mobile Hotspot devices, which include MiFi, AT&T Wireless Internet (AWI) devices, and laptops (for impacted business accounts) added before August 1, 2022, will increase by $10 per device.
  • Wearables, tablets, and phones aren’t affected by this change.
For customers who have phone lines on the retired Unlimited Elite plan on the same account, we are also raising the monthly charge on our retired Unlimited Elite plan. This price increase will also be reflected starting on your August bill.
  • Phone lines added before August 1, 2022, will increase by $2.50 per line.
  • Wearables, tablets, non-phone devices, and any lines added August 1, 2022 and after aren’t affected by this change.
Visit att.com/elitesupport for more details.

Explore your options

Keep enjoying your current unlimited plan

You can stay on your plan and continue to take advantage of unlimited mobile hotspot data for your MiFi, AT&T Wireless Internet device, and laptop (s). 

If you haven’t already, you can set up AutoPay with a debit card or bank account and enroll in Paperless billing to save up to $10 on your wireless rate plan.

Cancel your service

We understand that you may want to cancel your wireless service and we can help you review your account. Call us at 800.331.0500 to discuss your cancellation options.

Have an installment plan on one of your MiFi or AWI devices?
  • Pay off the remaining installment plan balance and keep your device.
  • Call 800.331.0500 to return your device and waive any remaining installment balance. You have until October 31, 2023, to return your device and get your installment balance waived.


Last updated: June 15, 2023

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