Caller ID Blocking for Phone

Hide your name and phone number on outgoing calls with Caller ID Blocking.

Turn Caller ID Blocking on or off

  1. Go to Account overview > My digital phone.
  2. Select My voicemail & phone features > Phone Features.
  3. In the Outgoing Calls section, select Caller ID Blocking
    • Select ON to enable Caller ID Blocking.
    • Select OFF to disable Caller ID Blocking.
  4. Select Save.

Additional tips

  • If Caller ID Blocking is permanently enabled, you can allow your phone number to be displayed for just one call. Press *82, dial the number, then press #.
  • If Caller ID Blocking is permanently disabled, you can block you phone number from being displayed for just one call. Press *67, dial the number, then press #.
Last updated: December 7, 2022

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