Check out U-verse On Demand

From free TV to the latest rentals, stay entertained with U-verse On Demand’s movies, shows, sports, and more.

Navigate U-verse TV On Demand

To start exploring, press the On Demand button on your U-verse TV remote or tune to Ch. 1. Use the left navigation to:
  • Get to your shows and movies.
  • Use filters to expand or limit your search.
  • Find recently added movies, top new releases, and other special collections.

Featured, Premium, and U-verse TV Movies

Easily find, rent, or watch early releases, new releases, U-verse TV specials, and other titles.
  1. Press the On Demand or MENU button. 
  2. Choose an On Demand menu item. 
  3. Select a category: Featured, U-verse Movies, or Premium, and then press OK.
  4. Scroll through the available options and press OK to select a title.
  5. Choose Watch, Preview, Rent, or Add to My Queue. (If you choose Rent, we’ll give you options to choose from.)
Heads up: You’ll find charges for On Demand rentals on your monthly bill. We itemize each rental by title and its associated fee and it may take 1 to 2 bills before a charge appears.

Free shows

You can choose from a huge collection of free content. Watch recent episodes or entire seasons of your favorite hit TV shows based on your subscription. To access free content, press Menu on your remote and select On Demand > Free Shows.


Use your remote control to search On Demand content:
  1. Press On Demand.
  2. Select Search.
  3. Use the arrow keys to enter letters for the title you’re searching for and select from the search results.

Help Center

Use the Help Center on your TV to find tools and resources all in one place. Check out the info you need to get the most out of your U-verse TV experience.

Want TV on the go?

Stream U-verse TV On Demand virtually anywhere on your smartphone or tablet using the U-verse app. Compatible device and internet connection required.
Last updated: December 7, 2022

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