Report unburied cables, exposed wires, or downed lines

Let us know if you find downed or uncovered wires or cables in your area.

Downed or obstructed lines

Did you find drooping wires, downed lines, or AT&T equipment in a yard or on the street? Let us know. Call us anytime at 800.288.2020.

  • Have AT&T service? Provide your account info and say, Line is down.
  • Don’t have AT&T service? Say No account. When asked if you want to order new service, say No. Then, to let us know why you're calling, say Line is down

Heads up: Extreme weather or other factors can bring down lines, including electrical lines. Never approach a downed wire yourself. Always call your local authorities in an emergency.

Unburied cables or exposed wires

Report an issue

Check an issue already reported

Call our Buried Wire Center at 800.924.9420 Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 6 p.m. ET. Remember: This number is just for unburied ground cables.

Some utility companies mark or paint their lines. If you see a marked line with an exposed cable or wire, and it doesn’t say AT&T, be sure to report it directly to that company.

Last updated: May 29, 2024

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