Turn Wi-Fi network security on
To protect your network, be sure to enable network security. This means entering a Wi-Fi password to connect to your network.
Heads up: If you didn’t get your device from us, check the manufacturer’s manual for instructions.
Use firewall and antivirus software
Install antivirus and firewall software on each computer that can access your network. Update this software regularly to get the best protection.
Change the device access code on your equipment
Gateways, All-Fi Hubs, and modems have a default device access code. Anyone with this code can access your gateway and change your settings, including the network password.
For an extra layer of protection, be sure to
change your device access code.
Hide your Wi-Fi network name
Your Wi-Fi network name shows up when anyone searches for networks in the area. Hide the name to make it harder to hack into your network.