It’s a way to delay your payment if you can’t pay your bill by your due date. A payment arrangement keeps your service active while letting us know when and how you’ll pay your balance.
Heads up: Be sure to make your changes at least 1 day before the scheduled payment date. After that, you can’t change or cancel it.
Important payment arrangement info
If you don’t see any available payment dates after your due date in the calendar, then you aren’t eligible to schedule a payment arrangement. Also, your payment history may affect the payment methods you can use. Keep in mind that:
When making a payment arrangement, you commit to pay with the selected payment method on the chosen date.
Payments start to process at 12 a.m. ET on the scheduled payment date.
Payment arrangements, or payments scheduled to post after your original bill due date, can’t be changed or canceled.
If you use AutoPay, be sure to pause it for the current month. AutoPay will resume the next bill period.
Potential fees
Late fees apply if you pay your bill after the due date.
We charge a convenience fee if you call or chat with us to make or schedule a payment arrangement.
You'll owe a reconnection fee if you don’t pay by the date you agreed to and we suspend your service.
Your myAT&T Billing & Payment Experience
It’s easy to manage your bill online with myAT&T. View or print your bill. Access AutoPay or paperless billing settings. Set alerts or notifications. Manage your payment methods and track your talk, text, and data usage.
Your myAT&T Billing & Payment Experience
Last updated: June 15, 2023
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