There may be a few reasons:
- You’re using an unsupported web browser. We support the 2 most recent versions of Mozilla® Firefox®, Microsoft® Edge®, Google ChromeTM and Safari®. If you’re using a different or older browser, use these links to download a supported one:
- You’re using an unsupported operating system. We support Mac OSX, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10.
- JavaScript is disabled. To use the full version of AT&T Mail, enable JavaScript on your browser. Just turn it back on in the Internet Options, Settings, or Preferences sections of your browser.
- You’re under the age of 13. We may limit browsing and other activities for younger users.
- You have a low-bandwidth internet connection. For example, dial-up can't support the full version of AT&T mail.
- You don’t have the right screen resolution. If you see an error message about a screen resolution problem, your computer screen resolution is set below the minimum recommendation of 1024 x 768 pixels. For Windows, adjust this setting in Properties. For Macs, go to System Preferences.
If none of these issues apply to you, don’t worry. It’s easy to change to the full version.