AT&T U-verse TV cancellation policy

Here's all the info you need to cancel your service, end it early, or return your equipment.

Cancellation policy

You may cancel your TV service for any reason within 14 days of activation without paying an Early Termination Fee (ETF). You’re responsible for all fees and charges incurred through cancellation and must return any leased equipment. If you cancel after 14 days and are subject to a term commitment, you must pay service fees and other charges incurred, including an ETF.


To cancel service:

Be sure that the account owner calls us at 800.288.2020.

Have the account number and personal identification number (PIN) on hand.

Call during normal operating hours. Cancellation requests received when we are closed will be handled on the next regular business day.

Cancel your service

Early termination policy

You’ll be charged an Early Termination Fee (ETF) if you disconnect your AT&T Internet service more than 14 days after activation and you have a term commitment. The ETF is prorated and reduced for each month that your Internet service is active. The applicable ETF will appear on your bill as Early Termination Fee within 3 bill periods.


ETF example (amounts are estimates):

ETF is $180 and the term commitment is 12 months

Equipment return policy

Upon termination of your services for whatever reason, you must return the equipment, undamaged, within 21 calendar days. If the equipment is not returned within 21 calendar days, or is returned damaged, you will be charged for the value of the equipment. We may retain any advance payment or deposit, or portion thereof that previously has not been refunded, if you fail to return the equipment within this time period.

If the equipment is returned within 90 days of termination, any fees charged for the equipment will be refunded (other than fees for damages). No refunds will be made for any equipment returned more than 90 days after termination. In addition to termination of service, these equipment return provisions apply if your existing equipment is replaced or upgraded for any reason.


To return equipment:

Head to the nearest UPS Store or FedEx® Office because we can’t accept returns at our AT&T stores.

Bring our equipment, 9-digit account number, and the letter or email you received. UPS or FedEx will handle the rest at no cost to you.

Return your equipment

Terms of service