El contenido que tienes en el teléfono es importante. Protege tu dispositivo y los datos personales que contiene con la aplicación AT&T ActiveArmor.
¿Tienes una cuenta comercial? You may need to talk with your account manager to add ActiveArmor due to restrictions set by your company.
AT&T ActiveArmor security works with Android® version 13 or higher. Don’t have the app? Download it from Google Play
Get the latest version to access new features and improve app security and performance. You may get an alert asking you to approve permissions for the new features.
If your app doesn’t auto-update, here’s how:
If Google Play® can’t install the update, you may need to clear the Google Play cache and data.
Still can’t update the app? You can check for phone System updates or get Google Play help from Google.
AT&T ActiveArmor security works with iOS version 16.4 or higher. Don’t have the app? Download it from the App Store®
Get the latest version to access new features and improve app security and performance. You may get an alert asking you to approve permissions for the new features.
To get an alert when there’s a new ActiveArmor app update:
Still can’t update the app? You can check for iOS updates or get help from Apple support.