AT&T urges passage of new federal legislation extending civil rights to the LGBTQ+ community.

Equality for all. It's more than just a sentence. It's at the core of who we are at AT&T. That's why we applaud and support the Equality Act, which would ban discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.

The legislation, recently introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate, would ensure that we are all treated equally and give all Americans the same chance that AT&T employees already have, to come to work as their authentic selves. If approved, it would extend full civil rights protections to our LGBTQ+ friends, coworkers and family.

The Equality Act would amend existing civil rights laws, such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Fair Housing Act, to ban LGBTQ+ discrimination in the workforce, housing, education, credit, jury services and other areas of American life. 

This legislation is consistent with our long-standing commitment to diversity and our work towards inclusion for the LGBTQ+ community. 

At AT&T, we remain committed to supporting and protecting the rights of all LGBTQ+ employees. To learn more about our efforts, check out our video, “Lead With Love”  below, and visit the LGBTQ+ segment page on the AT&T Diversity & Inclusion website.