FirstNet: respaldamos la seguridad pública

FirstNet®, Built with AT&T is the only nationwide, wireless communications platform dedicated to and purpose-built for America’s first responders and the extended public safety community. Backed by Congress, it provides firefighters, law enforcement, paramedics, and more with priority access to the connectivity they need for efficient and effective coordination and communication during emergency responses.

With FirstNet, we make public safety’s mission the priority. When agencies on FirstNet respond to incidents – whether it’s a hurricane, wildfire, earthquake, or man-made disaster – we’re there to help coordinate their needs and deliver for the men and women our communities count on the most. That’s what it means to be public safety’s network partner.

The FirstNet Fleet

We are proud to be the only provider with a fleet dedicated solely and exclusively for first responders. Public safety agencies subscribed to FirstNet have access to this dedicated, nationwide fleet of




At no additional charge, public safety agencies on FirstNet can request the equipment for added support during disasters. The deployable network assets are designed to keep FirstNet subscribers connected to the information they need, no matter where their mission takes them – allowing first responders to make rescues, communicate and coordinate their emergency response, or aid in recovery, even in the hardest hit areas or most remote parts of the country.

In addition to the FirstNet fleet, public safety can access more than 750 additional assets that are part of the AT&T Network Disaster Recovery fleet.

To request FirstNet Support, call 1-800-574-7000.

Response Operations Group™

To strengthen public safety’s command and control of their network, we launched the FirstNet Response Operations Group™ (ROG). This program aligns with Homeland Security’s National Incident Management System. ROG – led by a dedicated team of former first responders – oversees our dedicated fleet of land-based and airborne portable cell sites that get deployed at public safety’s discretion. This includes coordinating across federal, state, local and tribal agencies with a focus on life safety, incident stabilization and property conservation.

In June 2021, we launched “ROG the Dog” animal assisted therapy to support public safety on the front lines. This initiative builds off of the launch of the FirstNet Health & Wellness Coalition and is currently comprised of over 30 animals located across the U.S.

Resources & support