Connectivity is critical for success and prosperity in America today. Whether it’s a first-generation high school graduate applying for college, a veteran accessing telehealth services, or a grandparent connecting with their family thousands of miles away — we want to help unlock greater possibility for the millions of people who remain unconnected. The pace of innovation and the global economy aren’t waiting on anyone, and we’re committed to bringing connectivity and digital literacy in reach for all Americans.”

- John Stankey, Ejecutivo Principal

Connectivity is a bridge to possibility
, improving the way we move through our daily lives, succeeding in work and school, and having a fair chance in the global economy. No todos tienen acceso a las oportunidades que conlleva la conectividad. Eso es la brecha digital y, hoy en día, impide que millones1 de estadounidenses tengan la información que necesitan para prosperar en este mundo moderno.

At AT&T, we are driven to connect people, and we're putting the best of our reach and resources to work to bring the benefits of the internet to all. Lograrlo va a requerir cruzar más de un puente.

Por eso juntos acortamos la brecha digital enfocándonos no solo en el acceso a internet de alta velocidad asequible ,sino también en las habilidades y en los recursos de la comunidad que alientan una adopción segura y exitosa.

With millions in the United States still lacking internet, isolating them from digital literacy skills and a pathway to economic opportunity, AT&T recently announced it is committing an additional $3 billion by 2030 to help close the digital divide, bringing the company’s total commitment to $5 billion since 2021. This cumulative commitment includes an ambitious goal to help 25 million people get and stay connected to affordable, high-speed internet access throughout this decade.

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