The Power of Women: How AT&T Works to Uplift and Empower Girls and Women

Women and girls witnessed history come alive this year as Kamala Harris was inaugurated as the vice president of the United States. For the first time, a woman and person of Black, Asian and immigrant descent holds the second highest post in our country and her election has inspired women and girls to stand up in their power.

However, while women comprise nearly half of the global population1, in many aspects of our society, they experience inequalities that impact their professional and personal ambitions, thus limiting opportunities to let that power shine.

These inequality gaps have only been widened as the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic continues to disproportionately impact women in the workforce. One of AT&T’s core values is Stand for Equality and we recognize our responsibility to support and empower women through these times. From supporting organizations like Girls Who Code, Black Girls Code and programs like the AT&T Aspire Accelerator to elevate future female STEM professionals, we continue to work with and for women.

From employing women telephone operators to improving industry representation, AT&T has a history of commitment to gender equality. Our support for the United Nations Women’s Empowerment Principles and its mission to advance equity and the empowerment of women and girls reflects our belief that a diverse and inclusive business environment makes us stronger as individuals and as a company.

In honor of Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day (March 8), we will be featuring women from across our network to tell the “Power of I Am...”

Each week, content will focus on an area that matters to our customers, employees, partners and communities: Women in STEM, Women in Leadership and Advocacy, Women in Content and Entertainment, and Women in Sports. Their stories, their experiences on how they own who they are, from the mother who is balancing both work and school from home, to the professional athlete who is standing for equality, we celebrate them all.

We invite you to read a personal statement from AT&T Senior Vice President, Chief Diversity and Development Officer, Corey Anthony, on Women’s History Month and how AT&T supports the power of women by creating initiatives that make “I Am…” possible.

Additional Resources

See how we celebrated International Women's Day.

Learn how we support women in STEM.

Learn more about AT&T women leading the way.

Learn about the power of women telling stories for and about women.

See how we support women in sports.