Today’s release of the Open Networking Automation Platform (ONAP) code into open source sends a powerful message to software defined network (SDN) developers everywhere: Don’t just evolve. Get involved and be part of the evolution.

And an evolution it is. I've been in the telecom industry for over 20 years and have seen some pivotal transformations. But nothing like this.


Last year, we introduced ECOMP. The next-gen engine helped us achieve our virtualization goals in all areas—performance, capital spending reductions, and efficiency. It also increased the value of our network for our collaborators and customers. And ECOMP’s success became the driving force behind ONAP.

In February, The Linux Foundation announced the merger of ECOMP and The Linux Foundation’s open source networking project called Open-O to form ONAP. This brought 2 of the largest open source platforms together. The merger created a global and open operating system that thrives on open collaboration.

Now the industry can take advantage of the best aspects of ECOMP and Open-O, accelerating the creation of a standard OS for software-centric networks.

ONAP puts network developers in the driver’s seat.

It gives them access to capabilities they've never had before. And it's not just our network. It's the worldwide network. ONAP's members include the largest global service providers and technology leaders. Currently, the ONAP member carriers serve about 38% of the world's mobile subscribers.

The Dawn of Open Networks

Imagine doctors, hospitals and universities sharing data to cure diseases while protecting patient privacy. Imagine smart cities getting even smarter by using local data to analyze and improve things like water utilities and traffic jams.

The ONAP ecosystem lays the foundation for all of this.

Our membership and the launch of this game-changing project shows we're not just talking the talk. We're walking like a software company too.

Join the ONAP members to solidify the ONAP code and co-create an industry standard for SDN and NFV. What we make together will set the stage for all future network applications and services.

Developers can now access the production-ready code (along with instructional videos). Get started here

Chris Rice, SVP of AT&T Labs, Domain 2.0 Architecture and Design

Chris Rice
Chris Rice Senior Vice President – AT&T Labs, Domain 2.0 Architecture and Design