In this tutorial, you will learn how to:

• Access messaging
• Compose a message
• Use Digital Touch
• Share music or GIFs
• Save an attachment
• Reply or react to a message
• Forward a message
• Delete a message or thread
• Pin a message thread
• Edit a message
• Unsend a message
• Mark message as unread
• Schedule sending a message
• Turn iMessage on and off

SMS/MMS lets you send text messages and photos to other cell phones or devices. iMessage lets you send text messages, photos, and videos to other iOS devices or Macs over Wi-Fi. With iMessage you can also see when someone is replying to you with the bubble typing icon bubble icon.

Note: You can tell which type of message you're sending by the color of the Send icon Send icon and text bubble. SMS/MMS: Send icon and text bubbles are green. iMessage: Send icon and text bubbles are blue.

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Access messaging

From the home screen, select the Messages app Messages app.

Compose a message

1. Select the Compose icon Compose icon.

2. Enter a phone number or email address, or select the Add icon to choose a contact.

Note: To send messages to a group, enter multiple recipients. Type a name to direct a message to someone specifically within a group message. When you are mentioned, your name will be highlighted. You can also customize an active group, so you only receive notifications when you are mentioned. Reply directly to a specific message within a group conversation. You can view replies in the full conversation or as their own thread for a more focused view. Learn more from the Apple support article Send a group message with your iPhone.

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3. Type your message in the iMessage field, select the Camera icon to attach a photo or video, or select the Audio Message icon to send an audio message. Select the App store icon or Memoji stickers icon to explore stickers, games, and apps to add to your message.

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4. Select the send icon Send icon

5. An exclamation mark appears if your recipient didn't get the message. Select the Exclamation mark, then select Try Again to send the message again.

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Use Digital Touch

Select the Digital Touch icon Digital touch icon to draw messages or pictures.

Share music or GIFs

Select the Share Music icon Share Music icon to share songs. Select the Search icon Search icon to share GIFs or other recently used images.

Save an attachment

Select and hold the desired attachment, then select Save.

Note: Attachments are saved according to their file type. To view saved photos and videos, from the home screen, select the photos app Photos app.

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Reply or react to a message

To reply to a message, from the desired message thread, compose your message. Select the Send icon when you are finished.

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To react to a message, select and hold the desired message, then select the desired reaction.

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Forward a message

1. Select and hold the desired message, then select More.

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2. Select the desired message(s), then select the Forward icon. Enter the desired contact or phone number, then select the Send icon.

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Delete a message or thread

To delete a message, select and hold the desired message, then select More. Select the desired message(s), then select the Delete icon Delete icon. Select Delete Message to confirm.

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To delete an entire message thread, from the Messages screen select and drag the desired message thread to the left. Select the Delete icon, then select Delete to confirm.

Note: Alternately, select and hold the desired message thread, then select Delete. After you delete a conversation, you can recover it only by restoring from a backup. Learn more from the Apple support article Send messages with your iPhone. If you can't send or receive messages on your iPhone, click here.

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Pin a message thread

To pin a message thread, from the Messages screen select and hold the desired message thread, then select Pin.

Note: To unpin a message thread, select and hold the desired pinned message thread, then select Unpin.

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Edit a message

iOS16 introduces the option to edit a sent message. Select and hold the desired message, then select Edit.

Note: Messages can only be edited within 15 minutes of initially being sent.

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Edit the message as desired, then select the Checkmark icon.

Note: The recipient will be notified that the message has been edited.

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Unsend a message

iOS16 introduces the option to unsend a message. Select and hold the desired message, then select Undo Send. The message will be unsent.

Note: Undo Send is available for 10 seconds after sending a message. If the recipient has not updated to iOS16, they may still see the message.

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Mark message as unread

iOS16 introduces the option to mark messages as unread. From the Messages inbox, swipe right on the desired message thread, then select the Unread icon.

Note: Alternately, swipe right on the desired message thread to the right edge of the screen and release.

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Schedule sending a message

1. From the home screen, navigate to and select  Shortcuts.

2. Select the Automation tab, then select Create Personal Automation. Select Time of Day.

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3. Select the time, then edit the time as desired. Select Next. Select the desired frequency. Select Next.

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4. Select Send Message.

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5. Select the Message field, then enter the desired message.

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6. Select the Recipients field, then enter the desired recipient(s). Select Done.

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7. Select Next. Select Done. The message will be sent at the scheduled time.

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Turn iMessage on or off

1. From the home screen, select the Settings app Settings app.

Note: iMessages are billed as data usage when sent over a cellular data connection. Messages will be billed as text messages when sent to other device types, or to iOS devices using an earlier version of iOS. You need a valid phone number or Apple ID to use iMessage on iPhone.

2. Scroll to and select Messages, then select the Switch on icon iMessage switch to turn it on or off.

Note: If you get an error when trying to activate iMessage, click here.

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