Access, Store Photos & Videos
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Access, Store Photos & Videos

Learn how to access photos and videos.


In this tutorial, you will learn how to:

• Access photos and videos from the camera settings
• Access photos and videos from the Gallery app
• Set storage location


Access photos and videos from the Camera app

Press the Left Menu key to select Gallery.

Image 1



Access photos and videos from the Gallery app

From the home screen, press the OK button to access the Apps tray. Press the navigation keys to highlight the Gallery app, then press the OK button to select.

Image 2

Set storage location

1. From the Camera app, press the Right Menu key to select Options.

Image 3

2. Press the navigation keys to highlight Storage, then press the OK button.

Image 4

3. Press the navigation keys to highlight the desired option, then press the OK button to select.

Note: Storage location is only accessible if an SD card is installed.

Image 5

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