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Accessibility features improve the usability of your device for users with impaired vision or hearing, cognitive difficulty, or reduced dexterity.


In this tutorial, you will learn how to:

• Access accessibility features
• Turn on/off ChromeVox
• Enable and use select-to-speak


Access accessibility features

1. Click the Quick settings panel, then click the settings icon Settings icon.

Image 1

2. Click Advanced. 

Image 2

3. Scroll to and click the Accessibility tab, then click Manage accessibility features. Edit settings as desired.

Image 3

Turn on/off ChromeVox

ChromeVox speaks the content of the page, plays audio indicators for page load progress and objects on the page, and provides a way to navigate all web content from the keyboard. To enable ChromeVox, from the Manage accessibility features screen, click the Enable ChromeVox (spoken feedback) switch.

Image 4

Enable and use select-to-speak

1. From the Manage accessibility features screen, click the Enable select-to-speak switch to place it in the On position. 

Image 5

2. To use select-to-speak, highlight the area of the screen you would like to hear read aloud then press the the Search and s key simultaneously.

Note: To edit select-to-speak settings, from the Manage accessibility features screen, click Open select-to-speak settings. Edit settings as desired. You will only be able to access select-to-speak settings when select-to-speak is enbled. 

Image 6

3. To pause screen reading, click the pause icon Pause icon. To resume, click the Play icon. To stop using select-to-speak, click the X icon.

Image 7


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