Find IMEI & Phone Number
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Find IMEI & Phone Number

Locate the IMEI & Phone number.

1. From your connected device's web browser, go to http://hotspot.webui. Enter your Login Password, then click Login.

Note: The admin password for the online WebUI is the last 8-digits of the IMEI code, which is printed on the device label (underneath the battery). IMEI code is also listed on the Device Details screen of your device. Ensure that your device is connected to the AT&T Turbo Hotspot 2's Wi-Fi network. For more information, please see the Connect Devices to Wi-Fi or Connect PC or Mac to Wi-Fi tutorials.

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2. Click the System drop-down menu on the left side of the screen, then click Device Information.

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3. The device’s IMEI number and Phone number will be displayed.

Image 3
4. Alternatively, the IMEI number can be found under the battery on the back of the device.

Note: For more information on how to remove the battery, see the Device Assembly tutorial.

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