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Take a Video

Learn how to take a video, use the front and rear camera, and more.

Prenote info
For technical details about your camera, visit the Specifications tutorial.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to:

• Switch to video mode
• Switch between front and rear camera
• Focus the camera
• Zoom in and out
• Capture a still image while in video mode
• Pause, stop, and save a video

This tutorial requires you open the Camera app. To access the camera from the home screen, select the camera icon Camera app. 

Switch to video mode

From the Camera screen, select Video then select the Record icon.

Image 1


Switch between front and rear cameras

Select the Switch camera icon.

Note: You cannot switch the camera while you are recording a video.

Image 2

Focus the camera

Select the desired area of the photo you wish to focus on. A circle will appear when the area is selected.

Image 3


Zoom in and out

Move two fingers apart towards the edge of the screen to zoom in. Move two fingers inward towards the middle of the screen to zoom out.

Image 4



Capture a still image while in video mode

While a video is recording, select the Capture icon to take a photo. 

Image 5



Pause, stop and save a video

To pause a recording, select the Pause icon. To stop recording, select the Stop icon.

Note: To resume recording, select the record icon Record icon. Videos are automatically saved when recording ends.

Image 6

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