Download Apps & Games
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Download Apps & Games

Download apps, games, movies, music, books, magazines, newspapers and more.


Download and install an app

1. From the home screen, press the left button to access app shortcuts then press the up button until the Store app is highlighted. Press the OK button to select. 

Step 1

2. Press the navigational buttons to highlight the desired app, ringtone, or wallpaper, then press the OK button. 

Step 2

3. Press the OK button to select GET. 

Step 3

4. To access the app after it has downloaded and installed, press the OK button to select GO.

Step 4

Uninstall an app

From the desired app in the app store, press the right menu button to select Uninstall. Press the right menu button again to confirm. 

Step 5

Reinstall an app

From the desired app in the app store, press the OK button to select GET. 

Step 6


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