Control your device by making specific movements with your hand.
ACCESS NOTIFICATIONS AND QUICK SETTINGS: Swipe down from the Notification bar.
ACCESS EXPANDED QUICK SETTINGS: Swipe down from the Notification bar with two fingers.
EDIT QUICK SETTINGS MENU: Select the Menu icon.
Select and hold the desired button, then drag it to the desired location in the Quick settings area.
ZOOM IN/OUT: With two fingers on the screen, move fingers apart to zoom in and pinch fingers together to zoom out on webpages or pictures.
MOVE AN APP OR WIDGET: Select and hold the desired app, then drag it to the desired location.
ACCESS ADDITIONAL MOTIONS & GESTURES: Swipe down from the Notification bar, then select the Settings icon.
Select the desired switch to turn the desired advanced feature on or off. Note: From the Advanced features screen, select the corresponding switch to enable Smart capture, Palm swipe to capture, and Easy mute. To enable the Pop-up view action in Multi window mode, select Multi window then select the Pop-up view action switch.