Notifications & Alerts
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Notifications & Alerts

Learn how to access and adjust notification settings and turn notifications on or off.

1. ACCESS NOTIFICATIONS: Swipe down from the Notification bar. Notifications will be displayed.

Step 1

2. TURN ON/OFF ALL NOTIFICATIONS ON THE LOCK SCREEN: To block or unblock notifications from appearing when the device is locked, swipe down from the Notification bar then select the Settings icon.

Step 2

3. Select Lock screen. 

Step 3

4. Select the Notifications switch. 

Step 4

5. ACCESS NOTIFICATION SETTINGS: From the Settings screen, select Notifications.

Step 5

6. Edit Notification settings as desired.

Step 6

7. ADJUST NOTIFICATION SOUNDS: From the Settings screen, select Sounds and vibration. 

Step 7

8. Select Notification sounds.

Step 8

9. Select the desired notification sound, then select OK.

Step 9

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