1. ACCESS EMAIL SETTINGS: From the home screen, select the Email app.
    Note: In order to access email settings, you must have already Set Up Email.
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  2. Select the Menu icon, then select Settings.
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  3. Edit email settings as desired. To change settings specific to an account, select the desired account under ACCOUNTS & SYNC.
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  4. EDIT EMAIL SIGNATURE: Select Edit signature > enter the desired email signature > Check icon.
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  5. CHANGE ACCOUNT SERVER SETTINGS: In the desired account settings screen, scroll to and select Incoming server settings or Outgoing server settings > enter desired server settings > SAVE.
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  6. EDIT SYNC FREQUENCY: From the desired email settings screen, scroll to and select Sync schedule > enter the desired sync preferences > SAVE.
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  7. ADD ADDITIONAL EMAIL ACCOUNTS: From the Email settings screen, scroll to and select Add account > select the desired email provider > follow the prompts to sign in.
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  8. DELETE AN EMAIL ACCOUNT: From Email settings, select the Menu icon then select Remove account. Select REMOVE to confirm.
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  9. RESTORE DEFAULT EMAIL SETTINGS: From the Email settings screen, select the Menu icon > Select Reset settings > Select RESET.
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