1. To change your voicemail password, select the Phone app.
    Note: To access change your password, you must have already Set Up Voicemail.
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  2. From the Dial tab, select the Visual Voicemail icon.
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  3. Select the Menu icon, then select Settings.
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  4. Select Change password, then follow the on-screen instructions.
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  5. Alternately, you can change your voicemail password using the voicemail IVR. Press and hold the 1 key > enter your existing password > 4 key > 2 key > 1 key > enter your new password.
    Note: To change your voicemail password via the IVR, you must know your current voicemail password. If you have forgotten your existing voicemail password, you will not be able to access Voicemail until you reset your voicemail password.
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