The Multi Window feature provides split-screen functionality, which allows you to use two applications at the same time.
USE MULTI WINDOW: Select the Recent apps key.
Select and drag the desired app to the Open in split screen view section
The app will now display on half of the screen. To open another app in the Multi Window screen, at the bottom of the screen select the desired app.
You will now be able to navigate two applications at once. To reverse the apps from top to bottom, select the divider then select the Reverse icon. To close an app, select the X icon.
OPEN NEW APP: Select the Recent apps key, then select the desired app.
OPEN AN APP COMPLETELY: The app with the blue line is the active app. Drag the divider in the middle of the screen down to the bottom or up to the top of the screen, depending on which app you want to open completely.
EXIT MULTI WINDOW: Double-tap the Recent apps key.