Advanced Photo & Video Features
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Advanced Photo & Video Features

Learn how to access and use Camera modes, effects, customization, and crop a photo.


Prenote info

To access the Camera app, from the home screen select the camera Camera app

In this tutorial you will learn how to:

• Access camera modes 
• Customize photo & video settings
• Crop a photo


Access camera modes

From the Camera app, swipe right to access modes such as PanoramaSlow Motion, and YouTube Live

Note: Panorama allows you to create wider photos by stitching together multiple photos. Slow Motion allows you to create slowed down videos. 

Image 1

To switch to Manual mode select the Auto camera icon, then select Manual.

Image 2

To access Google Lens, select the Google Lens icon then follow the prompts to use. 

Image 3



Customize photo and video settings

From the Camera app, select the settings Settings icon. Adjust settings as desired.  

Image 4



Crop a photo

1. From the Camera app, select the Gallery icon. Swipe to the desired photo, then select the Edit icon.

Note: Alternately, from the home screen select the google photos Photos app then navigate to and select the desired photo.

Image 5

2. Select the Crop icon. Select and drag the crop corners to crop as desired, then select Done.

Image 6

3. Select Save

Image 7


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