With the phone facing up, at the bottom left corner of the phone, put your fingernail in the small recess. Press the middle of the back cover, bend the cover open, and remove it.
Insert the Nano SIM card into the SIM slot, with the half edge facing the slot and the gold contacts facing down. Note: SIM will come preinstalled.
Insert the microSD card into the microSD slot located above the SIM card slot. Make sure the SD card's jagged edge is facing the top and the gold contacts are facing down. Note: MicroSD cards are sold separately. To prevent data corruption, it is recommended to unmount your memory card before removing it. To unmount your memory card, from the settings menu > storage sense > SD card > remove SD card > yes.
The battery should snap into place.
Snap the Back cover back onto the Device when finished.
If a SIM is not in the device or properly inserted the Missing SIM icon will be displayed.