Learn and customize the home screen
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Learn and customize the home screen

Add shortcuts and widgets, access the notification panel, changing wallpaper, and more.

  1. Tap an App icon to open.
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  2. Swipe left or right to access other home screens.
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  3. Swipe down from the Notification bar to access the quick settings menu.
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  4. To customize the home screen, touch and hold an Empty area of a home screen.
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  5. Swipe left or right to customize the other home screens.
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  6. Press the Home icon to set the current home screen to the default home screen.
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  7. To add an additional home screen panel, swipe to then tap the Add icon.
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  8. To change the order of home screens, touch and hold the Desired home screen.
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  9. Drag the home screen to the Desired location, then release.
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  10. To remove a home screen, touch then drag the desired home screen to the Delete icon.
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  11. To change the Home or Lock screen background, touch and hold an empty area of a home screen and then tap Wallpapers.
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  12. Tap the desired screen option, then tap the Desired wallpaper.
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