Use S Health to help manage your health by tracking statistics and your exercise program.
Samsung S Health turns your device into a personal-health-management powerhouse. You can track health statistics, like blood pressure, blood glucose levels, and weight. You can view and track environmental conditions, and even track your exercise regimen.
From the home screen, tap Apps.
Swipe to then tap S Health.
Agree to the terms and conditions, then tap NEXT.
If desired, tap SAMSUNG ACCOUNT. If not, tap SKIP.
To set a password, tap SET PASSWORD. Otherwise, tap SKIP.
Enter your name.
Chose the desired gender and birthdate. Note: Exercise intensity increases from left to right.
Tap the Picture icon to add a photo.
When finished, tap NEXT.
Enter your height and weight, then tap NEXT.
Tap the desired activity level, then tap NEXT. Note: To add further apps to the home screen, tap 'Manage items'.