Learn & customize the home screen
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Learn & customize the home screen

Add shortcuts and widgets, access the notification panel, changing wallpaper, and more.

  1. Scroll up or down to access more content on the currently displayed screen.
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  2. Swipe left or right to change tabs in a menu or to access the Apps list from the Start screen.
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  3. To use an app pinned to the Start screen, tap the desired tile.
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  4. To add an app to the Start screen, swipe left to access the Apps list.
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  5. Scroll to, then touch and hold the desired app.
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  6. Tap pin to start.
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  7. To move a tile on the Start screen, touch and hold the desired tile.
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  8. Drag the tile to the desired location.
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  9. Once in the desired location, release the tile to place it.
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  10. To change the size of a tile on the Start screen, tap the Size icon.
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  11. To create a folder, touch and hold the desired tile.
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  12. Drag the tile over another tile, then release.
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  13. To name the folder, tap Name folder.
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  14. To remove a tile from the Start screen, tap the Unpin icon.
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  15. To change the Start screen wallpaper, tap ALL SETTINGS from the Action Center.
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  16. Tap start+theme.
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  17. Tap choose photo.
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