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Microsoft sign-in

Sign in using your Microsoft account to access Xbox LIVE, Windows Phone Store, and more.

  1. The first Microsoft account associated with this device may have its settings edited, but a device reset is required to change the email address or delete it.
    Note: See 'Factory Reset' for more information on resetting the device.
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  2. Swipe down from the top of the screen to reveal the Action center.
    Note: An existing Microsoft account is required to complete this action.
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  4. Tap email+accounts.
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  5. Tap add an account.
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  6. Tap Microsoft account.
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  7. Tap the desired option.
    Note: For this demonstration, 'sign in' was selected. If you do not have an existing Microsoft/LiveID account, tap create one and follow the onscreen prompts.
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  8. Tap the Email address field, then enter the account email address.
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  9. Tap the Password field, then enter the account password.
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  10. Tap next.
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  11. Tap the How would you like to get this code? field, then tap the desired option.
    Note: For this demonstration, tap 'Email'.
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  12. Tap the Verify email address field, then enter the required information.
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  13. Tap next.
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  14. Check the email account for the email containing the verification code, then tap the Code field and enter the received code.
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  15. Tap next.
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  16. Tap the desired option.
    Note: For this tutorial, 'not now' was selected.
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  17. The account is now ready for use. Tap Microsoft account to view and edit the account settings.
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