Learn & customize the home screen
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Learn & customize the home screen

Add shortcuts and widgets, access the notification panel, changing wallpaper, and more.

  1. Press the Up Nav key to open Messaging.
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  2. Press the Right Nav key to open the Camera.
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  3. Press the Down Nav key to open Contacts.
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  4. Press the Left Nav key to open AT&T Enhanced Push To Talk.
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  5. Press the End call key to return to the home screen.
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  6. Press the Options key to access settings.
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  7. Press the Menu key to access additional options.
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  8. To change the wallpaper, press the Options key.
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  9. Select Wallpaper, then press the Center Nav key.
    device 3012/1571062.jpg
  10. Select Wallpapers, then tap the Center Nav key.
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  11. Select the desired wallpaper, then press the Down Nav key to highlight "Set wallpaper".
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  12. Press the Center Nav key to set the wallpaper.
    device 3012/1592493.jpg

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