Learn what features are available while on an active call.
To end the call, tap End Call.
To turn on speakerphone, tap the Speakerphone icon.
To mute the microphone, tap the Mute icon.
To access the keypad, tap the Keypad icon.
To add another contact to the call, tap the + icon, select the contact from the list, and then tap the phone number to call. The current call will be placed on hold while the selected number is dialed.
To take a note, search the web, or view your calendar or contacts while on a call, view the right panel to access Quick Links, and then tap Take a note, Silk browser, Calendar, or Contacts.
To use another app while on a call, press the Home button.
Tap the desired app. To return to the call, tap the bar at the top of the screen that says Tap to Return to Call.
To respond to a second incoming call, tap Answer Hold current call to hold the current call and answer incoming call.
Tap Merge to start a conference call.
Tap Answer End current call to end the current call and answer the incoming call.
Tap Decline to decline the incoming call and send it to voicemail.