Learn & customize the home screen
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Learn & customize the home screen

Add shortcuts and widgets, access the notification panel, changing wallpaper, and more.

  1. Using Dynamic Perspective, Fire phone responds to how you hold it, look at it, and use it. Your phone has three primary screens - a center screen, a left panel, and a right panel.
    Note: For more information, view the Amazon Fire Phone video: Navigating Your Phone.
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  2. To switch from the carousel to the app grid, simply press the Home button.
    Note: You can also swipe up from the four app icons at the bottom of the carousel view, which become the four icons at the top of the app grid view.
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  3. In the app grid view, touch and hold an app then drag to move it around the screen and reorganize your apps.
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  4. Press the Home button to return to the home screen.
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  5. To launch the right panel, swipe in from the right edge of the screen.
    Note: No matter where you are on your Fire phone, the left panel will contain menus and navigation. The right panel will display actions or contextual information relevant to what you're doing. For example, when listening to music, access the right panel to view lyrics with X-Ray for Music. When sending a text message, access the right panel to quickly attach a photo.
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  6. To close it, swipe out from the center to the right.
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  7. To launch the left panel, swipe in from the left edge of the screen.
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  8. To close it, swipe out from the center to the left.
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  9. Swivel your phone or swipe down from the top of the screen to access the Quick Actions panel.
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  10. From the Quick Actions panel, you can turn Wi-Fi, the flashlight, or Airplane Mode on or off, as well as quickly go to Settings.
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