Learn & customize the home screen
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Learn & customize the home screen

Add shortcuts and widgets, access the notification panel, changing wallpaper, and more.

  1. From the home screen, press the Left and Right nav keys to scroll through items on the Widget bar.
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  2. Press the Center nav key to launch the selected app.
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  3. To customize the Widget bar, press the Right soft key.
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  4. Scroll to the 'Settings' icon, then press the Center nav key.
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  5. Scroll to 'Widget Settings', then press the Center nav key.
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  6. To change the widgets that appear on the Widget bar, choose 'Select Widgets', then press the Center nav key.
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  7. Select the desired widgets, then press the Left soft key to save.
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  8. To reorder widgets on the Widget bar, scroll to 'Reorder Widgets', then press the Center nav key.
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  9. To swap the locations of two widgets, scroll to the first desired widget, then press the Center nav key.
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  10. Scroll to the second desired widget, then press the Center nav key.
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  11. Reorder widgets as desired. Changes will save automatically.
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  12. To toggle the Widget bar on/off, from the Settings menu, scroll to 'Phone Settings', then press the Center nav key.
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  13. Scroll to 'Widget Bar', then press the Center nav key.
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  14. Select 'Display', then press the Center nav key to toggle on/off.
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