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Date & time

Set the date & time.

  1. Set the date and time manually:

    Go to Settings.
    Note: The date and time are usually set for you based on your location. Take a look at the Lock screen to see if they're correct.
    device 2842/1434299.jpg
  2. Tap General.
    Note: 24-Hour Time may not be available in all areas.
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  3. Tap Date & Time.
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  4. Turn off Set Automatically.
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  5. Set whether iPhone shows 24-hour time or 12-hour time:

    Go to Settings.
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  6. Tap General.
    device 2842/1434304.jpg
  7. Tap Date & Time.
    device 2842/1434305.jpg
  8. Turn 24-Hour Time on or off.
    device 2842/1434306.jpg

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