Notifications & icons
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Notifications & icons

This article provides an overview of the messages and icons that appear in the notifications menu.

  1. The notifications bar is where status and notifications icons will be displayed.
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  2. When charging the device, the Charging Battery icon will be displayed in the Notifications Bar.
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  3. When the device has finished charging, a Fully Charged icon will be displayed in the Notifications Bar.
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  4. While content is downloading, the Download icon will display in the Notifications bar.
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  5. When Bluetooth is turned on, the Bluetooth icon will display in the Notifications bar.
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  6. When a Bluetooth device is paired, the Paired Bluetooth icon will be displayed.
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  7. The Signal Strength icon will display the strength of the network signal. When you are within range of a cellular tower the indicator will show more bars. If you are not in range of a cellular tower you will have fewer bars/less signal strength.
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  8. If the Signal Strength icon is replaced by an Airplane icon, Airplane mode is turned on and the device will not receive wireless signals.
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  9. If 4G is available, the 4G symbol icon will appear next to the signal strength indicator in the Notifications bar.
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  10. When connected to a Wi-Fi network, the Wi-Fi icon will display in the Notifications bar.
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  11. When an event is upcoming, the Calendar icon will display in the Notifications bar.
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  12. When a new email is received, the New Email icon will display in the Notifications bar.
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  13. When GPS is being used, the GPS icon will display in the Notifications bar.
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