Learn & customize the home screen
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Learn & customize the home screen

Add shortcuts and widgets, access the notification panel, changing wallpaper, and more.

  1. Swipe left or right to access additional pages of the home screen.
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  2. Scroll up or down to access additional information on a screen.
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  3. Tap an icon to make a selection or launch an application.
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  4. Drag down from the Notifications bar to access the Notifications menu.
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  5. Drag down from the Notifications bar with two fingers to access the Home screen Menu.
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  6. Touch and hold an empty area of the home screen to access the Customization menu.
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  7. To add a blank page to the home screen, tap the New page icon.
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  8. To add a widget to the home screen, tap Widgets.
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  9. Swipe to, then touch and hold the desired widget.
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  10. Drag the widget to the desired home screen page.
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  11. Release the widget to place it on the home screen.
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  12. Tap the desired to home screen to jump to it.
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  13. To add an app to the home screen, tap the Apps icon.
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  14. Touch and hold the desired app icon.
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  15. Drag the app icon to the desired home screen page.
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  16. Release the app to place it on the home screen.
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  17. To move an app, touch and hold the desired icon.
    Note: The following process applies to widgets, as well.
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  18. Drag the app to the desired position, then release to place it.
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  19. To remove an app from the home screen, touch and hold the desired icon.
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  20. Drag the app to Delete, then release to remove it from the home screen.
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  21. To change the brightness, drag down from the Notifications bar with two fingers to reveal the menu.
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  22. Tap and hold BRIGHTNESS.
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  23. Drag the Brightness slider left or right to set the brightness.
    Note: Tap AUTO to toggle automatic brightness on/off.
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