Learn how to use Hands-Free Interpreter to translate what is being said.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to:
• Access Hands-Free Interpreter
• Use Hands-Free Interpreter in Conversation mode
• Use Hands-Free Interpreter in Listening mode
• Access and edit Interpreter settings
1. Hands-Free Interpreter uses AI to translate live conversations or spoken word. To access Hands-free Interpreter, from the home screen, swipe down from the notification bar twice, then swipe left. Select Interpreter.
Note: Upon first access, review the Interpreter permissions prompt, then select Continue.
1. To use Hands-Free Interpreter in Conversation mode, select the Menu icon then ensure the Conversation mode icon is selected.
Note: To select or change the spoken or translation language, select the desired language drop-down arrow, then select the desired language. To add a language to the translation list, select Add languages and follow the prompts.
2. Select the Microphone icon next to the language you are speaking, then say the sentence you would like to live translate.
3. The translated text will display on the screen and the translated audio will play aloud. To replay the audio translation, select the Play icon.
1. To use Hands-Free Interpreter in Listening mode, select the Menu icon then select the Listening mode icon. Select the Microphone icon to begin listening.
Note: To select or change the spoken or translation language, select the desired language drop-down arrow, then select the desired language. To add a language to the translation list, select Add languages and follow the prompts.
2. The spoken audio will be transcribed on the screen in gray text and translation will be displayed on the screen in blue text.
To access Interpreter settings, from the Interpreter screen, select the Menu icon, then select the Settings icon. Edit settings as desired.